Discover the Delicious World of Argentinian Asado

  1. BBQ menu ideas
  2. International BBQ menu
  3. Argentinian asado

Are you tired of the same old BBQ menu? Want to take your grilling game to the next level? Look no further than the delicious world of Argentinian asado! This traditional South American style of grilling is sure to delight your taste buds and impress your guests. In this article, we will explore the history and techniques of Argentinian asado, as well as provide some mouth-watering menu ideas for your next BBQ. So fire up those coals, grab your tongs, and get ready to discover the mouth-watering flavors of Argentinian asado!First things first, let's talk about the basics of Argentinian asado. Unlike traditional American BBQ, which typically uses a smoker or grill, Argentinian asado is cooked over an open fire.

This allows for a more intense heat and a unique smoky flavor that can't be replicated with other methods. To get started, you'll need a good quality fire pit or grill that can withstand high temperatures. Next, you'll want to choose the right cut of meat - typically beef is used in Argentinian asado, but you can also use pork or chicken if you prefer. The key is to have a thick cut of meat that can withstand the high heat without drying out. Now, let's move on to the fun part - the recipes! Traditional Argentinian asado typically consists of various cuts of meat, such as ribeye, skirt steak, and chorizo sausage, cooked over the open fire. But don't be afraid to get creative and try out different meats and marinades to find your perfect combination.

As for sides, grilled vegetables and roasted potatoes are popular choices that pair well with the rich flavors of the meat. Don't forget to also include some traditional Argentinian sauces and rubs to really bring out the flavors of your asado.


, a tangy and herbaceous sauce, is a must-try for any asado menu. Another important aspect of Argentinian asado is the technique. Unlike other BBQ methods, where the meat is constantly flipped and rotated, asado requires a more hands-off approach. The meat is placed on the grill and left to cook slowly over the open fire, allowing the flavors to develop and the meat to become tender and juicy.

This may take some practice, but once you get the hang of it, your asado will be a hit every time. And of course, no BBQ is complete without some tasty beverages to wash it all down.


, a bold red wine from Argentina, is a popular choice to pair with asado. Or, if you prefer something non-alcoholic, a refreshing glass of mate tea is a great option. Now that you have all the basics covered, it's time to get grilling! Follow these tips and recipes for a truly authentic Argentinian asado experience that will have your guests raving.

Tasty Accompaniments

When it comes to an Argentinian asado, the star of the show is undoubtedly the meat. But no BBQ is complete without some delicious sides, sauces, and drinks to complement the smoky, savory flavors of the asado.

In this section, we'll explore some tasty accompaniments that will take your asado to the next level. For sides, you can't go wrong with traditional Argentinean empanadas. These savory pastries are usually filled with beef, but you can also find vegetarian options. Chimichurri is another must-have side dish for any asado. This bright and flavorful sauce made with parsley, garlic, and olive oil is the perfect accompaniment to grilled meats. As for drinks, Malbec wine is a classic choice to pair with your asado.

This rich and bold red wine from Argentina is the perfect match for the smoky flavors of the grilled meat. For a non-alcoholic option, try yerba mate tea, a popular drink in Argentina that is made from steeping dried leaves in hot water. It has a slightly bitter taste that complements the richness of the asado.

Sizzling Recipes

When it comes to Argentinian asado, the key to mouthwatering flavor lies in the cuts of meat and marinades used. The traditional method of cooking over an open fire allows for the natural flavors of the meat to shine, but it's the marinade that really takes it to the next level. For a classic Argentinian asado, you'll want to use cuts of beef such as skirt steak, flank steak, or ribeye.

These cuts are known for their rich, beefy flavor and are perfect for grilling over an open flame. But don't be afraid to mix it up and try other cuts like pork, chicken, or even lamb. Now, let's talk about marinades. Argentinian asado is all about simplicity, so you won't find any complicated marinades here. The most common marinade used is a simple mixture of olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper.

This allows the natural flavors of the meat to shine through while still adding a touch of seasoning. Another popular marinade is chimichurri sauce. Made with parsley, garlic, red wine vinegar, and olive oil, this tangy and herbaceous sauce is the perfect complement to grilled meats. You can even use it as a marinade by mixing it with olive oil and brushing it on the meat before grilling. So whether you stick with a classic marinade or get creative with chimichurri or other sauces, there's no denying that the key to a sizzling Argentinian asado lies in the delicious cuts of meat and mouthwatering marinades used.

Mastering the Fire

When it comes to mastering the art of Argentinian asado, one of the most important aspects to consider is the fire. After all, it is the fire that gives the meat its delicious smoky flavor and perfect char.

In this section, we will cover some tips for choosing the right equipment and techniques to ensure your asado is a success.

1.Choose the Right Wood

The type of wood you use can greatly impact the flavor of your asado. Traditional Argentinian asado uses a specific type of wood called quebracho, which is known for its slow-burning and aromatic qualities. If you can't find quebracho, other options such as oak, mesquite, or hickory can also work well.

2.Build a Pyramid

When starting your fire, it's important to build a pyramid-shaped structure with the wood. This allows for proper airflow and ensures the fire burns evenly.

Make sure to leave enough space between the logs for oxygen to reach the flames.

3.Use Charcoal for Consistency

While traditional asado uses only wood for the fire, using charcoal can provide more consistent heat and make it easier to control the temperature. It's also helpful if you are new to cooking with an open flame.4.Master the Grilling TechniquesIn addition to choosing the right equipment, mastering the grilling techniques is essential for a successful asado. The meat should be placed directly over the hot coals, using tongs to flip it every few minutes for even cooking. For thicker cuts of meat, such as ribs or whole chickens, it's best to use indirect heat by placing the meat to the side of the fire rather than directly over it.

5.Keep a Spray Bottle Handy

Asado can be a long process, and sometimes the fire may need a little help.

Keep a spray bottle filled with water nearby to help control any flare-ups or hot spots that may occur.


By following these tips for choosing the right equipment and techniques, you'll be well on your way to mastering the fire and creating a delicious Argentinian asado. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you. Your taste buds will thank you!Argentinian asado is not just a way of cooking, it's a cultural experience. By mastering this traditional BBQ technique, you'll not only impress your friends and family with delicious food, but also gain a deeper appreciation for Argentina's rich culinary heritage.

So fire up that grill and get ready to take your BBQ skills to the next level!.

Lynne Batesole
Lynne Batesole

Evil pop culture expert. Subtly charming tv advocate. Freelance twitter fanatic. Lifelong bacon ninja. Infuriatingly humble beer nerd. Avid internet maven.

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